Chapter 1

Hello, yes I know, I know. You’re probably thinking “Another challenge from Mojo? Is she crazy?” And the answer to that is yes, most definitely.

For the past few months I’ve been rewatching a lot of 100 baby challenge LPs and (I can’t believe I’m about to say this….) And I’ve actually missed playing one! BUT! If you know me, you know I can’t just do anything easily. One of my first every video games that I played as a kid was Pokémon. And I wondered how I could fuse the two together. And this baby challenge was born.

The goal for me for this challenge will be to have a baby named for each and every Pokémon for every generation of Pokémon game. Now, if you know anything about Pokémon, you know it’s been around for a looooong time. Longer even than The Sims. There are currently EIGHT generations of Pokémon currently released (with generation 9 coming out soon). And in total there are over 900 Pokémon.

Yes, you read that right 900.

So this will be a 900+ baby challenge. Remember when I said I was crazy? Yea, I wasn’t kidding!

Now I know that a 900 baby challenge would be SUPER boring. That’s why I didn’t really categorize this as a “100 baby challenge” but just a baby challenge. We’ll have different types of challenges and variations of the typical 100 baby challenge, we’ll have roulette wheels, we’ll have community votes, we’ll be doing lots of things to keep this challenge a bit interesting as we go along.

You won’t want to miss it!

To start things off, we’re going to start with a “traditional” 100 baby challenge. One mom, 100 babies. Or that’s the goal anyway. To see how far I can get with one mom.

So let’s meet our first mom! Everyone meet Ash Mon! Ash is named after the main character of the anime series and Mon obviously comes from Pokémon lol

This is our house for this part of the challenge. You might be asking yourself “Mojo, why is it so small? You can’t fit a full house in there!”

And you would be right


The perks of having a mirco home were a big seller for me for kids to age up as fast as possible. And also the relationship boost from it will help with wooing the donors

My goal for Ash is to have as many babies as possible before she becomes an elder. I’m hopefully she’ll be able to do a whole 100 since in my last 100 baby challenge, my final matriarch had 50 babies in her YA stage. So I think Ash’ll be able to all 100.

Well, enough with the introductions! Let’s get this show on the road!! We better find our first donor!

Which brings us to our first roulette wheel!

If you look carefully, that is a list of every current NPC/townie in the Sims 4. Male, Female, young, and old. So every time we need a new donor, we’ll spin the wheel to pick the next donor! Don’t worry, all toddler/child/teen sims have been aged up to YA for the purpose of this challenge


Aaaaaaand our first donor is Don.

How appropriate lol

I mean, isn’t Don everyone’s first donor in these types of challenges?

So we headed off to Oasis Springs! And look! There’s our mark!

So we introduced ourselves to him and invited him home to the relationship hack zone


Literally one pick up line and we have THAT much romance already?!


I mean really

Apparently there’s not enough room in the house to kiss, so they went outside lol

And we wasted NO TIME in getting him into the bush

Ah fuck. I forgot to mention that I set our money to 0 for the ~challenge~ of it, but now I can’t afford a pregnancy test… Crap

So we quick did some collecting for some quick cash

Terrible angle but, yay! Mon #1 is on the way!

Also, apparently, there’s not enough room in the bathroom for the confetti sparkles so that’s why it happened out here.

Confused the hell outta me lol

We let Don stay to finish our date that way I can sell the date reward for some sweet sweet cash

Why is this the stuff of nightmares?

I’m thinking that Ash will do a combination of painting and writing for money. We’ll have to see how it goes lol

ooooooooooooooooooo I love this painting!

So I kept it lol

The new Goths came to visit us as part of the welcome wagon.

I did quick introduce Ash to them so that, in case the wheel picks them, they already have a little bit of a relationship!

Speaking of the wheel, it’s time to spin again!

I want to have the next donor lined up so that right after she gives birth, we can get pregnant again.


Winner Winner! Ted Roswell, come on down!

So we headed to Strangerville. To this house, which has absolutely NO BUSINESS being that big.

I mean really. The house is SO EMPTY!

I’m really glad that EA has started having content creators build their lots. They’re so much better. Because this… this is so sad

Moving on, we introduced ourselves to Ted

And then immediately whisked him away to the love shack.

It still cracks me up that there’s no room inside the house for kissing, so they have to go outside

Minerva called in the middle of our date and offered us the marriage deal. But since we can’t get married, I’m just going to get the free $2500.

Well, that’s Ted locked and loaded and ready for after Ash gives birth


So I added a little covered “patio” area because there’s going to be stuff I’ll want for the toddlers that I want, but won’t have space inside. But I wanted them covered so that when it rains, they don’t get wet

Dude. Look at all of her moodlets… Yikes that’s a LOT

Okay, but why is that such a beautiful sad painting?

Let’s play “Spot The Glitch”!!!

I think I’m going to say yes and see where this takes us lol

Look at her eyeing the bassinet lol

Don’t worry, it’ll have a baby in it soon

I decided that selling the paintings right from the easel was too easy. So we’re going this route! YARD SALES! woo

UMmmmmm, excuse me ma’am, that’s my easel. Go away

It’s baby time!! Woo!!

We’re going to try the hospital route. But if the donors still poof like the did in my last 100 baby challenge, I’m not wasting time with the loading screens

Yeah….. He poofed. So we will not be joining Ash at the hospitals for the births lol

And then the lot glitched and she didn’t have the baby at all.

So we went home.

Where we welcomed Pokémon #1, Bulbasaur!

Because I’m having so much fun and I want to keep playing, we got on the phone right away to get Ted over for the “donation”

He was very quick on the uptake

Interesting. The Confetti worked in the bathroom this time.

This house is so weird lol

Ah yes. The baby part of this baby challenge is now in full effect and I’m here for it!

With Bulbasaur sleeping, I took the opportunity to sell some our paintings.

Also a good opportunity to woo our next donor!

So let’s spin that wheel!

Tada! Camille, step right up!

So off to Tartosa we went!

We were able to do a flirty introduction on her, so we started off on a really high note

Back at the love shack, things moved along really nicely

Oh this is interesting

Let’s try to cheer her up

Awe! That’s so cute!

This game is so wholesome sometimes

Uh oh… Ash had an accident…

We’re literally 1 baby in and we already are having bladder fails…

Eyyyyyyy, we don’t need earbuds!


We’ve started a collection lol

I wonder how many variations there are of this painting lol

Hmmmm. Maybe this is why she pee’d her pants?

I added the lightning bugs around the house and I gotta say, I LOVE the way that they add a bit of life to the lot


AWEEEE! He’s so cute!! And he aged up with green eyes and green shorts and green shoes. How appropriate for a grass Pokémon lol

He also rolled the independent trait. I’m not even lying

Mr. Independent can get himself over to the potty all on his own!

Also, potty skill on a micro home lot is AWESOME

Little tip I learned is to use this display case for all the food. It keeps longer and the toddlers can grab it on their own.

Much better than a popcorn machine!

OH MY! WhAt DoEs ThAt MeAn?

Fuck off, Alexander Goth

Ted, may I remind you that you are MARRIED!?

Baby time!


Why does my game just INSIST on giving me boys all the time!?

Welcome to the family Pokémon #2, Ivysaur!

Now, in my previous 100 baby challenge, this is where I would end the chapter.

But I think this time, I’ll end with Ash being pregnant so that when I load back in the next time, she’s already good to go. Hopefully this will help her have all 100 babies.

So we quick called Camille over!

One stinky bush woohoo, comin’ right up!

Ah crap




Grim, pleaaaasseeeeee don’t take her yet! I need her baby first!

Ah crap.

I can only hope that that last, deadly woohoo, was successful.



Oh thank god. I did not prepare for this scenario. I had no idea what I was gonna do if she wasn’t pregnant lol

Meanwhile, Bulbasaur got all of his skills to level 3. So he’ll be getting a birthday when we play with this save the next time.

Because I’m ending this now

Before anything else can go wrong…

I hope you all enjoyed this first chapter and will come back for some more shenanigans!

And hopefully no more death.




I can’t even believe that happened.

Just wow.

RIP Camille